Happy New Year wishes and greeting in Ukrainian language

Happy new year wishes in Ukrainian

Here you can find a large collection of beautiful happy new year wishes and greetings for 2023 in Ukrainian language. This page will be especially useful if you have a friend or a colleague from Ukraine and want to surprise them with a wonderful card with the wishes in their native language. Wish them a Happy New year in Ukrainian language which is translates as З Новим роком!

Картинка з новим роком з новорічним вінком
Happy New Year!
Новорічне анімоване привітання українською мовою
Happy New Year GIF

Designed with love by a Ukrainian native speaker. All of the cards are carefully created and have a personal touch to them. The translation to English language is written in the caption just below the image. You can download the images free of change for personal use. Click on the picture you like and it will open up in its own window with a download button.

Побажання щасливих зимових свят
May the winter holidays bring you many gifts and happy memories
Лаконічне привітання з Новим роком в прозі з прикрашеною ялинкою
May all the doors open, all the wishes, plans and dreams come true in the new year
Келихи шампанського
 May your life turn into a magical fairy tale under the clinking of glasses

Short New Year wishes in Ukrainian language with beautiful images

Побажання казкової зими на анімованій листівці
May this winter be magical! Happy New Year!
щастя і доброї магії
Wishing you happiness and good magic. Happy New Year!
Побажання дивовижного нового року
Wishing you a wonderful New Year!

Happy New Year Wishes for 2023

New Year images with festive winter greetings for 2023 in Ukrainian language free to download. Beautiful wishes and texts originally written in Ukrainian language with translations, so that you understand the meaning.

Привітання з роком кролика 2023
Wishing you peace, kindness, family comfort, warmth and harmony in the new year 2023
Анімована листівка на новий рік 2023 з ялинкою
May all the plans, dreams and wishes come true in the new year! May every minute of 2023 be filled with happiness, joy and love!
Побажання прекрасного життя 2023
May every moment of 2023 be wonderful!

Happy New year 2023 images and animations with a rabbit

Beautiful brown and black rabbits and bunnies on the new year images and animations for the year 2023 with holiday wishes in Ukrainian language

Новорічна анімація з чорним кроликом
Happy New Year! May this year bring peace and 2023 reasons for happiness!
Заєць віає з Новим роком 2023
Happy New Year 2023!
Мирного неба в Новий рік
Wishing you peaceful sky and family coziness. Happy New Year!

Light and airy images with beautiful new year wishes

Новорічна листівка в рожевих та золотих тонах
May this holiday bring the charm of a winter fairy tale, good intentions and a feeling of close happiness
Снігопад в лісі
May the New Year be magical! May all your wishes come true!
Вітання з новим роком на листівці з подарунками
May all the hours, days and months in the coming year bring you luck and happiness!

New Year animations with Ukrainian greetings

Wonderful gif animations with beautiful images and short wishes for the happy new year for someone from Ukraine or who speaks Ukrainian language.

Побажання радосты в Новому роцы украънською мовою проза
May the smile always shine on your face, may your heart be filled with joy and your eyes shine with happiness!
анімація з новим роком з сніговиком
Wishing you good health, warmth and magic in the new year!

Funny new year wishes in Ukrainian languages with images

Cute and funny images with winter wishes in Ukrainian language.

Анімована картинка з дідом морозом на коньках
Happy New Year!
Веселих днів у Новому році
May all the days this year be as bright and fun as the New Year’s Eve!
Родинного затишку в новому році
Wishing you peace, everything good, peace of mind, love, family comfort and warmth

The images are free to download for non-commercial use only. Creative Commons license Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

Traditionally New Year celebration in Ukraine is much bigger that that of Christmas. Ukrainians give presents on the New Year’s Eve. Or to be more exact, when the clock strikes 12. Kids believe that the anti Claus brings them presents and puts them under the Christmas tree after the New Year’s Eve.

Most Ukrainians celebrate Christmas after the New Year – on the 7th of January. And not on December 25th. Christmas celebration is more for your family. It is the time of the year when the relatives gather together and prepare some traditional dishes. At Christmas we Ukrainians don’t exchange presents.

And yes, this is my personal collection of New Year cards (from a Ukrainian native speaker). The images and wishes are created by me with love and care. They words were carefully selected to include beautiful and heartwarming wishes. And these are the cards I would send to my friends and relatives as a Ukrainian native speaker.